This font file (bfcfont.h) header is used by BitFontCreator Pro and Grayscale editions.

*                                                                           *
* bfcfont.h -- Basic Type Definitions                                       *
*                                                                           *
* Copyright (c) 2012, Iseatech Software. All rights reserved.               *
* website:                      *
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*                                                                           *

#ifndef _BFC_FONT_H_
#define _BFC_FONT_H_

#define UCHAR	unsigned char 
#define USHORT	unsigned short
#define ULONG	unsigned long

#define FONTTYPE_MONO           (1<<0)      /* Is monospaced font */
#define FONTTYPE_PROP           (1<<1)      /* Is proportional font */
#define FONTTYPE_MONO_AA2       (1<<2)      /* Is an antialiased mono font, 2bpp */
#define FONTTYPE_MONO_AA4       (1<<3)      /* Is an antialiased mono font, 4bpp */
#define FONTTYPE_MONO_AA8       (1<<4)      /* Is an antialiased mono font, 8bpp */
#define FONTTYPE_PROP_AA2       (1<<5)      /* Is an antialiased prop font, 2bpp */
#define FONTTYPE_PROP_AA4       (1<<6)      /* Is an antialiased prop font, 4bpp */
#define FONTTYPE_PROP_AA8       (1<<7)      /* Is an antialiased prop font, 8bpp */

#define ENCODING_ASCII          (1<<16)     /* Character encoding: Ascii + ISO8859 */
#define ENCODING_UNICODE        (1<<17)     /* Character encoding: Unicode */
#define ENCODING_SHIFTJIS       (1<<18)     /* Character encoding: Shift_JIS */
#define ENCODING_BIG5           (1<<19)     /* Character encoding: Big5 */
#define ENCODING_GBK            (1<<20)     /* Character encoding: GBK */
#define ENCODING_JOHAB          (1<<21)     /* Character encoding: Johab */

#define DATALENGTH_8            (1<<24)     /* Data length:  8 bits per unit (1 byte) */
#define DATALENGTH_16           (1<<25)     /* Data length: 16 bits per unit (2 bytes) */
#define DATALENGTH_32           (1<<26)     /* Data length: 32 bits per unit (4 bytes) */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {     /* Make sure we have C-declarations in C++ programs */

*       C font structures
typedef struct BFC_CHARINFO
    USHORT      Width;              /* character width in pixels */
    USHORT      DataSize;           /* # bytes/words/dwords of pixel data */
        const void      *pData;
        const UCHAR     *pData8;    /* pixel data in bytes */   
        const USHORT    *pData16;   /* pixel data in words */
        const ULONG     *pData32;   /* pixel data in dwords */ 
    } p;

typedef struct BFC_FONT_PROP
    USHORT      FirstChar;                  /* index of first character */
    USHORT      LastChar;                   /* index of last character */
    const BFC_CHARINFO	*pFirstCharInfo;    /* address of first character */
    const BFC_FONT_PROP	*pNextProp;         /* pointer to next BFC_FONT_PROP */

typedef struct BFC_FONT_MONO
    USHORT      FirstChar;          /* index of first character */
    USHORT      LastChar;           /* index of last character */
    USHORT      FontWidth;          /* font width in pixels */
    USHORT      DataSize;           /* # bytes/words/dwords data of single character */
        const void      *pData;
        const UCHAR     *pData8;    /* pixel data in bytes */   
        const USHORT    *pData16;   /* pixel data in words */
        const ULONG     *pData32;   /* pixel data in dwords */ 
    } p;

typedef struct
    ULONG       FontType;           /* font type */
    USHORT      FontHeight;         /* font height in pixels */		
    USHORT      Baseline;           /* font ascent (baseline) in pixels */
    ULONG       Reversed;           /* reversed, = 0 */
        const void          * pData;
        const BFC_FONT_MONO * pMono;  /* point to Monospaced font */ 
        const BFC_FONT_PROP * pProp;  /* point to proportional font */
    } p;

*       Binary font structures (BIN)
typedef struct
    ULONG       FontType;       /* font type */
    USHORT      FontHeight;     /* font height in pixels */		
    USHORT      Baseline;       /* font ascent (baseline) in pixels */
    USHORT      Reversed;       /* reversed, =0 */
    USHORT      NumRanges;      /* number of character ranges */

typedef struct 
    USHORT      FirstChar;      /* index of first character */
    USHORT      LastChar;       /* index of last charcter */

typedef struct 
    USHORT      Width;          /* character width in pixels */
    USHORT      DataSize;       /* # bytes/words/dwords of pixel data */	
    ULONG       OffData;        /* Offset of pixel data */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif //#ifndef _BFC_FONT_H_